Course Description

The number one challenge to loving yourself, is the Inner Critic, that voice in your head sabotaging your happiness, and health with an endless stream of negativity, blame and shame. Learn to identify 9 ways the Inner Critic dominates your thoughts. Then listen to my guided audio meditation to quiet your mind and open your heart with the power of self love.

Zen Sensei and Founder of Relax Breathe Flow

Pompe Strater-Vidal

For over 35 years, Pompe Strater-Vidal has taught people how to transform their lives through positive change — achieving goals of happy relationships, meaningful work and healthier lifestyles, while connecting to their own inner truth.

Course curriculum

  • 1

    About Love Guided Audio Meditation

    • Guided Audio Meditation

  • 2

    About Love eBook

    • About Love eBook Training